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#1 3-Feb-2010 19:45:10

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,169

Nouvelle version d'OpenSpace 3D !

yop !

Enfin ! ça y est elle est la !

nous avons souhaité fournir une version la plus propre et stable possible (même si c'est de l'alpha), moteur physic / interfaces flash / animations ... pleins de fonctions disponibles
le tout livré avec deux démos et quelques exemples simples

disponible sur

donc voici les nouveautés :

0.1.8 – 03/02/2010

- Clone a node in scene tree

- Clone object on axis click with shift key

- Add help button for coming online help

- Add about button for about interface

- Add button to activate plugITs links debug

- Add mesh import wizard

- new maths plugITs for vector manipulation

- new Input / Output plugITs for sequential links

- new Stereo and Fullscreen plugITs

- new Keyboard plugIT

- new physics PlugITs

- update wiimote plugIT

- …


- Rename plugIT

- Configuration file for user preference and window position

- Bubble on plugIT to show the plugIT type

- Alert to save the current scene on close


- added group import and export function

- debug links and instances loader on xos import

- added physics support on meshes and scene setting

- sort plugIts directories

- new Flash Interface plugIT

- new Change texture plugIT from file or url

- correction of several ergonomy issues

- better skeleton and morph animation support


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