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#1 30-Sep-2015 04:11:39

Registered: 29-Sep-2015
Posts: 1

Run a AR app on a browser

Hi everybody,

I did a little AR app to be shown on my web browser, but I see that I need to download a plugin to show the AR app.


That plugin is 73MB. I was thinking of putting a AR app on a website but if the final clients needs to download a 73MB plugin I don't think that's effective.

Second, even if I have the plugin installed I see that Chrome made a change. A content based on a complement can't work on Chrome ( this is for security reason and with that, well, I can't render the AR app at all on Chrome.

So, is there any way that I can put my AR app on a web browser without a plugin? Or anyone can walk me through the process of succesfully put a AR app made in OpenSpace 3D without having any of these issues?

Thanks for the time and answers in advanced


#2 30-Sep-2015 13:46:14

From: northamerica
Registered: 20-Apr-2011
Posts: 1,543

Re: Run a AR app on a browser

afaik atm the only browser on windows that os3d works on is firefox, i believe the plugin architecture that the vm uses has been deprecated by chrome (and ie for that matter)


#3 30-Sep-2015 15:13:23

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: Run a AR app on a browser

Yes unfortunately Chrome and IE have deprecated their plugin system.
OS3D will not be compatible anymore with them and the export feature for web browser will be disable in next releases until we get the time to look at the possibilities on new systems.

For now only stand alone export and Android export will be available.


#4 30-Sep-2015 15:28:09

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: Run a AR app on a browser … -and-Demos

emscripten port could be the good way to do it.
If any developper want to give a hand in this, you are welcome


#5 14-Oct-2015 00:14:59

From: northamerica
Registered: 20-Apr-2011
Posts: 1,543

Re: Run a AR app on a browser

arkeon wrote:

Yes unfortunately Chrome and IE have deprecated their plugin system.
OS3D will not be compatible anymore with them and the export feature for web browser will be disable in next releases until we get the time to look at the possibilities on new systems.

For now only stand alone export and Android export will be available.

Can you leave the web export in place for 1.9.x? It still works in Windows running Firefox.  Perhaps add a warning dialog if the user chooses to export to web page.


#6 14-Oct-2015 08:24:24

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: Run a AR app on a browser

done smile


#7 14-Oct-2015 15:35:37

From: northamerica
Registered: 20-Apr-2011
Posts: 1,543

Re: Run a AR app on a browser

arkeon wrote:

done smile

Thx Arkeon. I figured that would be pretty easy to fo.


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