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Pages: 1
Hello, it is possible to automatically rotate an object with marker?
I want if the marker detected then object appear and rotate.
I use ar marker plugit, hide plugit, and rotate plugit.
The relation is when mrker dtected then object appear,
When it lost so object hide. I have been set speed for rotate plugit and make it play on start, but the result is object show without rotate animation.
How to solve this?
to apply a moves on an augmented object you need to apply the effect on a child node of the tracked object.
otherwise this is the marker that define the object orientation.
to do that just add a dummy and set the object as a son of the dummy.
you can then define the dummy on the marker and the rotate on the object
Ok thanks.i want.to try... by the way i send.you an email, please read..
Pages: 1