Scolring - Forum

Entraides et échanges autour de la technologie Scol - Informations and exchanges on the Scol technology

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#1 27-Jan-2015 20:52:33

Admin. / Scol language & Scol apps developer
From: France
Registered: 22-Feb-2009
Posts: 2,024


Scol support :

First, check if your request is already addressed :
- on the forum ("search" ...)
- on the development server :

If not :
- Open a new thread in the good forum section;
- or open a new issue in the server development (see link above);
- or send a message to the Scol team or to a developer (the mail is under the pseudonym).

In all cases, please, give us the most informations to obtain the better response !
At least :
- the Scol version,
- the application version (Openspace 3D, SCS, ...),
- the OS version (and check the updates !)
- the hardware : CPU, GPU, sound card, RAM, ...,
- the versions of the drivers, especially 2D/3D,
- a clear and detailed description of ypur request,
- and any additional informations which can be helpful for us.



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