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working on my project this morning, to my dismay, i found i could not paste text into scol comptext boxes in my own apps, including"
_CReditLine _channel chatwindow 0 251 400 30 ET_BORDER|ET_DOWN|ET_DRAGDROP "This field will be where you enter text";
_CRcompText _channel octoplayerstruct.OCTOPLAYER_url_opening_container nil [30 10] OBJ_ENABLE|OBJ_VISIBLE|CT_LEFT|CT_WORDWRAP|CT_EDITLINE|OBJ_MW_FLEX OBJ_CONTAINER_ALLEVENTS 700 50 "url entry field" octoplayerstruct.OCTOPLAYER_url_comptext_font [0x00FFFF 0 0 0xFFFF00] [0xFFFFFF 50] nil nil;
or in any of the comment fields of plugits in the os3d editor.
i've restarted my machine and the problem has persisted
let me know if i should post, send logs, i don't remember this occuring before
Last edited by hebdemnobad (10-Nov-2014 14:47:08)
_CReditLine is just window API so copy / paste should just work normally.
It works for me on windows 8 and 8.1. does it work when you cut / paste in a simple notepad ?
_CReditLine is just window API so copy / paste should just work normally.
It works for me on windows 8 and 8.1. does it work when you cut / paste in a simple notepad ?
yes, in notpad, bluefish, chrome, whatever other apps i'm using. arg! is there anything in the voyager logs that would help?
i'm uninstalling and reinstalling os3d 1.7 and voyager 6.3.1
really for now I have not a clue ^^
maybe a control focus problem.
does it change something if you start Scol and OS3D as administrator ?
_CReditLine is just window API so copy / paste should just work normally.
It works for me on windows 8 and 8.1. does it work when you cut / paste in a simple notepad ?
Pasting works on my modded player on my 8.1 tablet, hmmm... ill let you know how reinstall goes after doing some housework.
How to perform this copy/paste precisely ?
Try this :
typeof win = ObjWin;;
typeof cont = ObjContainer;;
typeof text = ObjText;;
typeof ctext = CompText;;
typeof font = ObjFont;;
fun cbEnd (o, u)=
_DScompText ctext;
_DScontainer cont;
_DStext text;
_DSfont font;
fun cbPaint (o, u)=
_PAINTcontainer cont;
fun main ()=
set font = _CRfont _channel 14 0 0 "Arial";
let [400 65] -> [w h] in
set win = _CRwindow _channel nil 50 200 w h WN_NORMAL "Test Copy Paste";
_CBwinDestroy win @cbEnd 0;
_CBwinPaint win @cbPaint 0;
set text = _CReditLine _channel win 5 5 w-10 20 ET_AHSCROLL|ET_DOWN "ObjText";
_AFFfontText text font;
set cont = _CRcontainerFromObjWin _channel win 1 30 w-3 30 CO_CHILDINSIDE 0xBBBBBB "container";
set ctext = _CRcompText _channel cont nil [5 5] OBJ_ENABLE|OBJ_VISIBLE|CT_EDITLINE OBJ_CONTAINER_ALLEVENTS w-10 20 "CompText" font [0 nil nil nil] nil nil nil;
_PAINTwindow win;
How to perform this copy/paste precisely ?
Try this :
typeof win = ObjWin;; typeof cont = ObjContainer;; typeof text = ObjText;; typeof ctext = CompText;; typeof font = ObjFont;; fun cbEnd (o, u)= _DScompText ctext; _DScontainer cont; _DStext text; _DSfont font; _closemachine;; fun cbPaint (o, u)= _PAINTcontainer cont; 0;; fun main ()= _showconsole; set font = _CRfont _channel 14 0 0 "Arial"; let [400 65] -> [w h] in ( set win = _CRwindow _channel nil 50 200 w h WN_NORMAL "Test Copy Paste"; _CBwinDestroy win @cbEnd 0; _CBwinPaint win @cbPaint 0; set text = _CReditLine _channel win 5 5 w-10 20 ET_AHSCROLL|ET_DOWN "ObjText"; _AFFfontText text font; set cont = _CRcontainerFromObjWin _channel win 1 30 w-3 30 CO_CHILDINSIDE 0xBBBBBB "container"; set ctext = _CRcompText _channel cont nil [5 5] OBJ_ENABLE|OBJ_VISIBLE|CT_EDITLINE OBJ_CONTAINER_ALLEVENTS w-10 20 "CompText" font [0 nil nil nil] nil nil nil; _PAINTwindow win; 0 );;
thx Iri, i tried this, but i am still unable to copy and paste text into either the text object or comptext object. i can cut text out of each object (which i can also do with other scol apps that i've written as well as os3d), but I am still unable to paste...and select all (ctrl a) doesn't appear to work either. cut ( ctrl>x) works fine
arkeon, how would i run a .scol file as an administrator? it doesn't appear in the rightclick >context menu for .scol files.
Last edited by hebdemnobad (8-Nov-2014 17:32:55)
just launch scol.exe before in admin
but it's really strange.
thx, but still same problem in all scol apps (editor, my player mod, iri's app above)
I really don't see what could be change.
This is a windows functionality and it's not managed at all by scol. (as I remember)
In a ObjText (like in my test app, and in a ObjText only), select in it a text and when you right click inside this editable ObjText :
- a contextual menu is it display ?
- if yes, what are the displayed items ?
Can you :
- Copy a text from a Scol app and paste it in Notepad (or whatever no Scol software) ?
- Copy a text from any no Scol software and paste it in a Scol app ?
What is the Windows version ?
Is this the first time you try a copy / paste in THIS pc ?
In a ObjText (like in my test app, and in a ObjText only), select in it a text and when you right click inside this editable ObjText :
- a contextual menu is it display ?
- if yes, what are the displayed items ?
the contextual menu displays with all of the usual items in it. if all text is selected (using the right click with the mouse), i see copy and paste. if no or some text is displayed, select all appears on the context menu.
aside from being unable to paste, i'm also unable to select all with ctrl-a- i hear the windows chime
i've tested os3d 1.6 on my old xp desktop....text copies and pastes into textcontrols. but like my win7 machine, ctrl-a doesn't work...i hear the windows chime an xp when typing ctrl-a.
on both machines, the context menus work, but on the xp i can paste, on win7 i can't paste , on win 8.1 i can pasted
Can you :
- Copy a text from a Scol app and paste it in Notepad (or whatever no Scol software) ?
yes, i can copy text from a scol comptext control and paste it into notepad
- Copy a text from any no Scol software and paste it in a Scol app ?
on win xp i can copy text from a non scol program into a scol app, but not on windows 7
What is the Windows version ?
the problem is occuring on windows 7
Is this the first time you try a copy / paste in THIS pc
it may be the first time, i don't know....since i'm building a url interface for the modded player i'm working on, i've been trying to do it, but i've never found the need to copy and paste in scol apps before. hmmm.
for what it's worth, this appears to be a widespread windows 7 related illness..
the disease comes in many forms. my computer's strain of the illness only manifests in scol apps.
....could it be something about the comptext and objtext api that got broken in a windows update?
....then again, my laptop is a few years old and has travelled with me alot. it may just be a corrupted byte or bit or something in there...
i'm running system file check as an administrator now...
it's a bit ironic. i want to copy and paste on my development machine, but can't. on my tablet, i can copy and paste, but don't need to as much. my win xp machine can paste into scol aps, but it's old and in my dark basement mancave...
this may be something....the context menu appears on textobjects on my win7 machine,but not in comptext objects...it doesn't appear in iri's app or my own (although i can cut text out of a comptext box on iri's app and my own)
Last edited by hebdemnobad (8-Nov-2014 20:29:18)
I've tried on Win 7 and XP, it is ok.
On Wine, too.
I saw the page on the MS web site. Tell us the result of sfc /scannow.
Check with an anti virus ?
A recently installed software ?
Yes, like Arkeon says, Graphic2D is not Windows' dependant. So, it is normal that there is not menu in a CompText object. For that, it is needed to build it oneself, with the menu API.
I've tried on Win 7 and XP, it is ok.
On Wine, too.I saw the page on the MS web site. Tell us the result of sfc /scannow.
Check with an anti virus ?
A recently installed software ?Yes, like Arkeon says, Graphic2D is not Windows' dependant. So, it is normal that there is not menu in a CompText object. For that, it is needed to build it oneself, with the menu API.
Yes I've recently installed and uninstalled a few programs (trying to put webserver on latptop for scol development)
antivirus is up and running
i ran sfc/scannow as administrator and the results were normal (integrity verified)
Last edited by hebdemnobad (8-Nov-2014 22:20:13)
And if you disable the virus ?
heuu I mean the "Anti" virus ?
You know the thing that always says that normal software are virus because we don't pay them... heuu I mean because this is not "massive downloaded files".
And if you disable the virus ?
heuu I mean the "Anti" virus ?
You know the thing that always says that normal software are virus because we don't pay them... heuu I mean because this is not "massive downloaded files".
you're right arkeon it was the antivirus. f*(k them (in my case, webroot) i turned it off and the pasting problem is gone
does anyone have a recommendation of an antivirus program that doesn't mess with scol?
no by my point of view they all become "undesirable software" and act themselves as malware.
Yes, they are invasive, they do too many things. But on MS Windows, they are still needed.
hebdemnobad wrote:i turned it off and the pasting problem is gone
Turn off to Scol only.
Right......i never saw an antivirus app so selectively interfere in this way.