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#1 8-Jul-2014 15:06:05

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

OpenSpace3D 1.7 and Scol voyager 6.3

OpenSpace3D 1.7 is finally out!

It introduce a lot of new features like the import of standard 3D files formats like FBX, Collada, 3DS, OBJ and a lot more.
Also the support of the MYO armband and New leap motion version have been added.

A new 3D models library is available while installing OpenSpace3D!
Thanks again to Educartec and specially to Alexandre_Brazil to provide it for free to OS3D users.

The "Introduction to OpenSpace3D" book is also available for sell in english and french versions! Buy it here

Here the complete updates history
1.7.0 - 06/26/2014
- Import standard 3D formats (DAE, FBX, 3DS, OBJ...)
- 3D Engine updated to Ogre 1.9
- Myo armband support (alpha)
- Leap Motion support with skeletal tracking (beta)
- XOS files are now packed
- all the application ressources are now packed in one file when exporting to the Web
- added volumetric lights shaft
- better HDR tonemapping
- add domotics plugITs in release version (X10 and USBUIRT)
- add AR face tracker (alpha)
- add simple avatar plugIT for network applications
- add delayed event plugIT
- add sequential input plugIT
- add scene converter plugIT
- add scene loader plugIT
- update ARcapture plugIT with dynamic camera selection
- update Serial plugIT
- update Area plugIT
- update operator plugIT
- update Kinect pack
- correction on config file plugIT


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