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Hi, I'm a newbie to Openspace3d, and I have some doubts on openspace3d before using it.
I noticed that it is possible to export the 3D scene (models) from 3ds max to the ogre supported formats, which can then be loaded by openspace3d.
My question is, is it possible to export a scene out from openspace3d? for example, I like the "Scene 3D Demo" provided in openspace3d, and would like to export it to other formats such as *.max, *.obj... However, I did not find that option in the openspace3d editor.
Is is possible to do that please?
Blender 2.36 has such a plugin.
no it's possible to re-import ogre files in max, I think that a importer exist for blender but I'm not sure
Sorry, do u mean it's possible to import ogre files into 3ds max or not?
Blender 2.36 has such a plugin.
Does it mean that I can export a scene from openspace3d to blender?
You can import .mesh files with a Python script supported by blender 2.36
As for .xos scenes I don't think so