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#1 28-Oct-2013 18:49:34

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

OpenSpace3D 1.6 released

The new release of OpenSpace3D is available !
This release is oriented to Virtual Reality applications, and there is a lot of new things and demos.
As usual download it from
Enjoy !

- new industrial demo
- add Oculus plugIT
- add VRPN client plugIT for VR system
- add TUIO plugIT for multi touch system
- add undo / redo fonctions on 3D scene edition
- manage physic bodies on dummies
- add a concave physic shape for complex meshes
- update instantiate plugIT
- improve water and under water rendering
- improve Quad buffer rendering to allow effects and shadows
- improve shadows
- improve HDR effect
- improve navigation plugITs, add a crouch system on FPS plugIT and manage head tracking control and fly mode
- improve stereo modes, allow compositor effects and shadows
- better kinect support, add head tracking event, and use the Microsoft SDK with openNI2
- better support on multi screens
- optimize rendering loop
- optimize webcams / AR
- update Web navigator interfaces
- correction on speech / recognition
- huge optimizations and bugs fix


#2 28-Oct-2013 18:53:50

Admin. / Scol language & Scol apps developer
From: France
Registered: 22-Feb-2009
Posts: 2,024

Re: OpenSpace3D 1.6 released



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