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I want to make a simple game, but the object ball is not rolling. If rolling the ball will fly through walls.
This is my 3D model !
i set the parameter :
Please help
Last edited by Rudini (4-Sep-2013 05:09:05)
on the scene physic setting you can try to set the physic frame rate higher (120 for example) to avoid the objects to get through the walls.
You can also change the gravity vector to make it working in the ar marker space.
I'll try to make an example asap
Oh so it's effect? I set it to default 60 frame rate, I'll try to change it. I've tried setting the gravity well that X, Y and Z in turn to see the results.
Thank you ... I was expecting an example for this game.
Thank you very much
Last edited by Rudini (3-Sep-2013 05:17:10)
here a sample from your 3D scene : http://www.arkeon.dyndns.org/scol/billes.rar
all the objects must be in defined as sons of the marker tracked object
I've tried the sample project and it worked perfectly!
But i don't unserstand how to defined all the objects as sons of the marker tracked object.
Can you tell me what name of this plugIT ? and how to configure it ?
and how to set the camera ?
Thanks you very much arkeon
Last edited by Rudini (3-Sep-2013 09:02:18)
The hierarchy of the objects can be done in Max or in OS3D by : adding a dummy object, and drag other objects onto it to make the dummy as the parent.
The physic balls plugIT only send an impulse 0 0 0 on the balls to wake up them.
The set active camera take the additional camera added in the scene tree. this camera is static and look in the Z direction, so your gravity will be always in the Y screen direction.
It is very easy to understand explanation arkeon thank you!
I think more and understand the workings of OS3D, well I'm going to start experimenting with other things. I hope you're not tired of answering my question: D
Thank you very much arkeon
Pages: 1