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#1 Programing » Run a AR app on a browser » 30-Sep-2015 04:11:39

Replies: 6

Hi everybody,

I did a little AR app to be shown on my web browser, but I see that I need to download a plugin to show the AR app.


That plugin is 73MB. I was thinking of putting a AR app on a website but if the final clients needs to download a 73MB plugin I don't think that's effective.

Second, even if I have the plugin installed I see that Chrome made a change. A content based on a complement can't work on Chrome ( this is for security reason and with that, well, I can't render the AR app at all on Chrome.

So, is there any way that I can put my AR app on a web browser without a plugin? Or anyone can walk me through the process of succesfully put a AR app made in OpenSpace 3D without having any of these issues?

Thanks for the time and answers in advanced

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