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#1 Openspace3D » wii tools » 3-Feb-2014 12:10:42

Replies: 2


I've been experimenting with OpenSpace3D over the past week, and I have found it a great VR tool.

I have managed to:
-generate content in 3Ds Max, and import into OpenSpace3D.
-use a Vuzix head tracker
-use sterescopic output for 3D rendering
-use wiimote for navigation in FPS

I have now been trying to use a wii board to navigate in FPS but I am encountering some difficulties:
With the wiimote I used thee wii Plug it tools. I have set the wii tool to 'control' the FPS controller.
I tried to enable the same option for the wii board:
-generate wiiboard instance
-right click on wiiboard and select control
-right click on FPS and select control

I am also quite sure that the wiiboard is connected as I debuged using Glovepie, and when I start the VR the blue led on the wiiboard lights up.

The problem is that I am not managing to control the FPS with the wiiboard instance.

I would appreciate any support on this issue.


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