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#1 Re: 3D » Adding a material texture on a mesh ? » 22-Jun-2022 09:18:41


I tried to apply UV to my model using blender and it worked very well. Thank you for your help !

#2 Re: 3D » Adding a material texture on a mesh ? » 15-Jun-2022 11:31:39


Thank you for your quick answer. I also tried to export my model in DAE using FreeCAD but still no texture. Is it normal ?

I will try to dowload blender to apply uv coordinates.

#3 3D » Adding a material texture on a mesh ? » 15-Jun-2022 10:38:21

Replies: 4

Hi everyone,

I would like to add a material texture to my meshes in my OS3D project (such as grass on a cube as an example). When I do "Edit material" and add a texture, I appears to be ok on the material preview, but the texture doesn't appear on my mesh, only the main color of it (ex: green). I exported all my meshes from SOLIDWORKS in STL format (without any texture). Can it be a reason of this problem? I also tried with the texture given with the examples from OS3D but still doesn't work. Do we need to specify some characteristics before to export/import the mesh?

Many thanks by advance for your help!


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