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Pages: 1
hi all
goal : i want download and unpak a pkos file, after that use instantiate plugit to load .xos file
fun cbRun (inst, from, action, param, rep, p)=
let p -> [url path] in
downloadFile url mkfun3 @loadpakfile [path];
_fooS "load ok ";
let mkUnpakOS3DProject // i need some thing here from path// "" 1 -> nfile in
_fooS "unpak ok";
download is ok
but i cant unzip/unpak the .pkos file
mkUnpakOS3DProject need [p s i]
how can i get p from a path file
i tried also
let getFilesFromDir "tutorials/yakfr.pkos" "pkos nill -> file ->in (sure its not correct)
hi all
how can i set focal lenght or activate autofocus "stereo plugit"
salut arkeon
j'ai un casque vrbox, j'ai fait un test hier c'est intéressant avec le plugit stereo (+ fps et orientation)
je ne sais pas comment régler la mise au point , au delà de 3cm de la camera tout est flou
comment je peut activer l'autofocus
NB désoler si je pose la question ici, j'ai pas voulu crée un nouveau post.
i did some tests
replace (SO3MathsDegreeToRadian 90.0) by (SO3MathsDegreeToRadian 0.0)
in editor th marker is correct
but when i push play, the rotation still exist
in earmarker.pkg line 118
let if pmarker.EMP_markerType then quat else SO3MathsQuatAdd quat SO3MathsEulerXYZToQuat [(SO3MathsDegreeToRadian 90.0) 0.0 0.0] -> quat in
(SO3MathsDegreeToRadian 90.0) rotation is here
hi all
with any image as marker the orientation is correct
see here https://ibb.co/sFKLTXF
but with intergrated aruco markers there is a 90 deg rotation between editor ui and 3d space
see here https://ibb.co/HGYx5WY
can you check, plz.
if i use a dummy with 90 rotation, i must rotate all related objects.
it will be perfect if we can manipulate marker position and orienation directly, with out a dummy.
thanks for the solution.
but i mean text utf-8
hi all
is there any support for arabic.
with label plugit i get ???? for كنغر
Pages: 1