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#1 Re: Openspace3D » Need Help Running On Raspberry Pi » 5-Apr-2018 01:34:51

Holy cow it works!!!! Works even better than I could have imagined. Great job and great forum support. Thanks for all the help. It was the gpu memory that did it. One last question if I could. How do I end the program? LOl.

#2 Re: Openspace3D » Need Help Running On Raspberry Pi » 4-Apr-2018 03:57:06

Ok a fresh download and install of Rasbien got it much much closer. The make-package succeeds and when I run the “trex” command it shows the openspace splash screen then the whole screen goes grey and nothing else happens. But that’s closer than it’s ever been so I’m still very optimistic. I’m running in G3 legacy graphics mode because the two options for open GL caused an error when I tried the trex command.

#3 Re: Openspace3D » Need Help Running On Raspberry Pi » 3-Apr-2018 16:43:16

Yes, I found that post and tried installing those dependencies:
1. apt-get install -f, this ran for a few minutes and returns, 0 updated, 0 removed, 0 installed.
2. sudo rpi-update, this ran for about 5 minutes, finished without error but made no change.

I could try reformatting my SD card and starting from scratch? Is there a particular build of Raspbian that you know for a fact it works on? I could try that.

#4 Openspace3D » Need Help Running On Raspberry Pi » 3-Apr-2018 03:38:40

Replies: 7

I made a quick scene with the T-rex model and called my scene trex. It runs great on windows. I exported it for the Raspberry Pi. I copied the files to the Pi and followed the readme file in the exported folder and packaged it for debian then installed the debian. Pi Camera is set to active. However I cannot run the executable.

If I try to run it through the run command window nothing at all happens. If I navigate to usr/shared/trex where it installed and try double clicking it I get warning about it being an executable and then nothing happens when I click confirm I want to run it. If I execute through terminal I get a warning about the lib(I-forgot-to-write-this-down)v18 is already in use and it cannot find the files.

I have updated the Pi, updated the OpenGL drivers ran the apt-get install -f for the dependancies and then sudo rpi-update.

Not sure what to try next.

Thanks Everyone,

#5 Re: Openspace3D » Where are markers found for printing? » 31-Mar-2018 02:59:19

yep. that was what I needed. Thank You Very Much!

#6 Openspace3D » Where are markers found for printing? » 30-Mar-2018 22:49:44

Replies: 2


Brand new here and I want to follow the tutorials, but I can't figure out what folders the default markers and templates are stored in so I can print them out and follow along. I ran a couple forums searches but they didn't return any hits. I'd post a picture of the buttons on the input-Ar Marker menu I'm talking about but I can't figure out how to attach one and only how to link to a URL but I don't have a website to put one on.

Sorry for such a simple question.

Thanks In Advance,

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