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I do not understand how this element:
physic contact
can someone give an example of object A and object B?
I solved the problem.
I have not explained well:
the results (the numbers 2 - 3 - 4) are seen, but do not follow the markers are still immobile.
It is possible to change this?
in this link the folder
Hi Arkeon, I changed your example:
if you press "1" change the operation, if the operation is "correct" (a demo), we see "correct", but after a while it stopped working, do not see the results!
Something happened to my files?
in this link the folder
There is something not working well:
if the object is in the background of the live webcam is a measure,
if the object snaps to the AR, increases in size,
I have tried many things and is always the same thing,
the folder is at this link
This is normal?
Now it works fine! Thanks!
But because the second object, when following the first object, becomes much larger?
here screenshots and all files
"you must use "in" event"
Enable on init event?
In openspace as I can see the size of the object?
I have tried:
distance: first object and second object at a distance 10;
Scene distance int Current distance -> Scene Object link inst Link
link object: first object and second object
but non work.
The procedure is this?
Hello community!
First: I would like to thank ALL development of the team OpenSpace3d.
OpenSpace3d is very interesting and great!
Second: I try to use it to develop free augmented reality for education.
My problem is: I want to put animations in augmented reality,
but I can not find the file .skeleton and .mesh.
I tried to configure blender but I do not work.
I tried the site Ogre3d, but I have not found presonages animated download.
You know link where I can download characters and other animations for OpenSpace3d?
I have tried:
distance: first object and second object at a distance 0;
link object: first object and second object
but as I develop: if object A and object B collide, links object A and object B?
Now I feel, thanks Arkeon for everything!
is true, you're right!
But how can I develop: if object A collides with object B?
I explained bad, sorry Arkeon.
Object A is moved by the marker, object B is in the background (is not moved by any marker!).
If object A collides with object B, object B follows object A.
The goal is: with the marker is moved the object A and object B follows object A.
How do I link two objects, get object?
In my game with the markers move object A, if object A collides with object B, object B follows object A in the screen.
Any suggestions where to start?
yes, now work!
I think that was missing this line complete:
texture Penguin/texture/penguin.jpg
thanks Arkeon !
good night!
not work,
I found this
material Penguin
texture penguin.jpg
but it seems to me that all is well.... :-(
There are sites where to download free animations .mesh?
I can fix this file to see the texture?
thanks arkeon
Hi arkeon
not work, I tried, the file penguin.jpg is loaded into Resources Group, but the penguin appears in the live without texture,
From Demos Ogre 1.7.0 I'd like to add my game:
1) I created a folder "Penguin" inside Partition_LocalUsr
2) I created inside folder "Penguin" the folders: textures, mesh and material. Inside I put in:
folder texture -> pensguin.jpg
folder material -> Pensguin.material
folder mesh -> penguin.mesh and penguing.skeleton
3) I followed the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D63n1uozWrU
but I can not load the textures, I upload the file penguin.material but did not load the texture file in object,
where am I wrong?
This my demo file
1) The same windows services are started on both pc ?
The information are:
http://www.genius-europe.com/en/produkt … =490XP_SP2
first computer (where I installed OpenSpace3d)
XP Pro SP 3 2.7 GHZ 1.93 GB RAM NVIDIA
second computer (where I performed the calibration)
XP Home Edition Pentium 4 CPU 3.06 GHz 512 RAM
The two computers are Windows XP with S3, the only problem that I observe it in the shell:
RMS error reported by calibrateCamera: 5.45909
Calibration succeeded. reprojection error avg = 5.46
What does this mean?
This is my problem:
on my PC (XP SP3), the executable works fine (the marker and the object are in line), the same executable on a different PC ( same XP SP3) with the same camera has the problem as the topic
I calibrated the computer that has the problem as described:
1 - 2.2 download opencv calibration: http://www.arkeon.dyndns.org/scol/openc ration.rar ...
2 - unzip to C: \ opencv_calibration
3 - print the C: \ opencv_calibration \ pattern.pdf without the setting fit to page
4 - measure a black square
5 - Open a Windows Console (command cmd)
6 - Type "C: \ opencv_calibration \ calibration.exe w-6-8-h-s 0025 or camera.yml-op" without the quotes
7 - is the 0,025-s size in square meter of a black
8 - Follow the instruction (move around the room like Showed the pattern here: http://www.uco.es/investiga/grupos/ava/node/26
9 - Copy the files in your yml disconnected partition (my documents \ Scola Voyager \ Partition_LocalUsr \ ..)
10 - yeah you can try it in the capture plugIT!
the file camera.yml , I have put into the folder of the executable but it not works well.
I have the wrong somewhere step ?
Thanks arkeon!
scene random output inst Out 1-> scene if operation set value
scene random output inst Out 1-> scene output dispatcher inst set position
scene if operation true -> scene output dispatcher inst input
if (object 1 = show) && (marker 1 = true)
a curiosity: you have added
Set Active Room inst
many thanks!
now I've got it!
but does not work anyway. I changed the file.
http://kktc.jimdo.com/app/download/5198 … 1309370930
What's wrong?
I'm sorry arkeon
but I can not understand the solution,
I'm sorry,
you could make a small example?