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#26 26-Mar-2018 20:14:13

Registered: 26-Mar-2018
Posts: 1

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

Hello I'm new to OpenSpace3d and I like it a lot!

I can't seem to find tutorials regarding networking for games nor VR

Would you be kind enough to let us know of any tutorials on those topics?

Thank you


#27 26-Mar-2018 20:24:44

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

Hello and welcome!
Ok we will try to make some more videos soon!


#28 26-Feb-2019 12:23:20

Registered: 26-Feb-2019
Posts: 3

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

Please make tutorial on using input GPS tq


#29 16-Dec-2019 09:55:03

Registered: 19-Feb-2019
Posts: 14

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

hi arkeon,

I use OS3D version, and I managed to make a video screen, it was running smoothly on android. I made another new app using greenscreen also, but this time using version I failed, the Android application closed suddenly, I tried many times the result still the same (closed suddenly)...any help?


#30 16-Dec-2019 10:27:27

Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
Registered: 28-Jul-2017
Posts: 69

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]


The Android export has been overhauled since the version you are using, could you please try with the last version, 1.82 ?


#31 16-Dec-2019 13:59:54

Registered: 19-Feb-2019
Posts: 14

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

Xeonadow wrote:


The Android export has been overhauled since the version you are using, could you please try with the last version, 1.82 ?

am also test on as well, but the result still the same. still prefer to use, because sometimes stuck loading on ...xml reader. We can load smoothly unless we connected to internet. also apk that built with  1.8.2 .0 more large than if we use 1.7.1 or


#32 16-Dec-2019 14:24:05

Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
Registered: 28-Jul-2017
Posts: 69

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

Can you please give us more details about the problem you are encountering with the xml reader plugIT ? We will try to fix it.

About the apk size, it depends on the target architecture. In versions prior to 1.81, the default choice was armeabi-v7a (arm 32 bits), but now the default choice includes all architectures. By selecting a specific architecture, the size of the apk should be around the same size as with the previous OpenSpace3D versions


#33 16-Dec-2019 16:34:13

Registered: 19-Feb-2019
Posts: 14

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]


always stuck on welcome screen (loading...xml reader). If you not close OS3D, this is will last all day stuck on welcome screen. Its happen when we open OS3D offline, but if you open it with internet connection, OS3D running well.

this is my screen capture:

I built apk from the same project with and with the same setting : default. with 1.7 we have 30 mb but with 1.8.2 we have apk with 103 mb


#34 16-Dec-2019 16:56:52

Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
Registered: 28-Jul-2017
Posts: 69

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

Thank you for the precision, we will look at this problem.

As I was trying to explain, "default" does NOT do the same thing in 1.70 and 1.82. To make a real comparison, select "armeabi-v7a" for exemple.

If you want a little more technical details: "default" on 1.70 produces an APK that contains only the files for the "armeabi-v7a" architecture so only ARM devices supporting 32 bits applications (most of android devices) will be able to run this APK. "default" on 1.82 produces an APK that contains all 4 available architectures (armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64), hence why it is nearly 4 times bigger, but it will be usable by all Android devices. And you can still have only one architecture in your APK by selecting which one you want instead of "default"
When you upload your application to the Play Store, you can either upload an APK containing all the architecture you want to support, or one APK by architecture you want to support. Another option is the App bundle, which helps to avoid the hassle of having to export 4 different APKs while allowing to keep small APK sizes in the end

Last edited by Xeonadow (16-Dec-2019 17:00:25)


#35 16-Dec-2019 17:09:52

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

Does the (loading...xml reader) stuff still blocking if you disable your firewall / antivirus when you're offline ?
Do you use the installed version of OS3D or the portable version ?
(I could not reproduce the issue on my version even by disabling my network card)


#36 16-Dec-2019 17:30:24

Registered: 19-Feb-2019
Posts: 14

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]


thanks, Xeonadow for your explanation about technical detail on default. Actually my problems is not whether using 1.8 or 1.7. My problem  at least I found on my project is: when I create video AR with both blue and green screen, the apk installed on my android suddenly close. But this is not happen when I create AR without green and blue screen video, my app run great on android.

all recources manage well

I just trying run OS3D with disabling my firewall and antivirus also, still I can't run OS3D on offline, stuck on the same xml reader.


#37 17-Dec-2019 11:39:25

Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
Registered: 28-Jul-2017
Posts: 69

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

I insisted on the version you are using because a lot of things have changed for Android in recent versions of OS3D, and some of your problems might have been solved by using the newer version. Also, we do not issue fixes for older versions, since we focus on the development of the future versions, and any fix will only come with these upcoming versions.

About the loading problem with xml reader, it seems that it is a problem that already occured, but we don't know yet how to reproduce it consistently, so we cannot debug it yet.

About the problem with your video, I did not encouter any problem while doing an AR video with green screen substraction, and it works on my Android device. Could you please export your project as an OpenSpace3D project package and send us the resulting .pkos so we can check what potentially went wrong with your project ? You can either upload it somewhere or send it to me at
Also just in case, what is the device you are using to test your application and which version of Android does it run ?


#38 17-Dec-2019 18:33:49

Registered: 19-Feb-2019
Posts: 14

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

thanks for your response, and helping to solve my problem. Am already email my pkos to your email. I test my android project on Samsung J7 Pro and Samsung TAB A 10, both using android pie version.


#39 18-Dec-2019 17:34:08

Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
Registered: 28-Jul-2017
Posts: 69

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

Hello, thank you for sending me your project and for the precisions. I spent the day trying to figure out what was going on. Seems like you found a very specific kind of bug.
So far, I've been able to see that the application only crash on ARM 32bits architecture (armeabi-v7a) for Android, it works fine on ARM 64bits architecture (arm64-v8a). This is due specifically to the cutout materials (as soon as we delete the ASSET/****Screen materials in both groups, the application stop crashing on start) , but we still have to investigate further to see exactly what went wrong.

For now, the best workaround I can suggest is to use the last version of OpenSpace3D and to make arm64-v8a exports (both your devices are compatible from what I checked, like most of the current devices), as it is what is working with me. We will continue to look at this problem, thank you for helping us to spot it.


#40 18-Dec-2019 19:55:02

Registered: 19-Feb-2019
Posts: 14

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

hello, thank for your help to identify my problem. you were right that when we delete the asset material, the application stop crashing.  Just tried your suggestion using OS3D newer version and export using arm64-v8a, still no luck for me. Aplication not installed. Here my link preview notification thanks


#41 19-Dec-2019 12:32:10

Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
Registered: 28-Jul-2017
Posts: 69

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

That is strange. Judging by your screenshot, I assume you copy and install the apk manually on you device. What happens if you install it by checking the box "Install on connected device" while exporting ?

On another subject, it seems we managed to correct the bug with xml reader, we uploaded a new portable version of OpenSpace3D 1.82 that include the fix, so you can download it again if you want to test that


#42 19-Dec-2019 15:31:20

Registered: 19-Feb-2019
Posts: 14

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

hello, no reason actually just I like installing from copying apk as always. also, never failed before. Installing using usb debug is just the same. all running perfectly unless the project I sent to you. Btw, since you are asking me, Am curious to try instaling using 1.82.0 using usb debugging, when I install using usb debug  stuck on performing streamed install...its take much time, over fiveteen minutes and failed install but no notification. its happen if we choose arm64-v8a. but sucessfully installed using armeabi-v7a but the issues still the same force closed suddenly. sad


#43 20-Dec-2019 10:02:40

Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
Registered: 28-Jul-2017
Posts: 69

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

It sometimes got stuck with me too on the streamed install. It normally takes about a minute or less, so when it lasts for more than that I close the console window and try again, it generally works on the second try (that's recent it seems, I only noticed it this week while doing tests for your problem).

As for the "app not installed" problem when you do it manually, my best guess now is an incorrect / corrupt apk ? But it only happened to me when I tried to manually edit an apk, probably breaking both the signature and zipalign that make a valid apk.

For information: We will be on a two weeks' leave starting this evening, so we won't be able to make progress on your issues during this time. Sorry for the troubles.


#44 23-Dec-2019 03:15:02

Registered: 19-Feb-2019
Posts: 14

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

Hello, thanks you and have a nice holiday smile


#45 23-Dec-2019 12:29:32

Registered: 19-Feb-2019
Posts: 14

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

Hello,  my tutorial video wishlist is this link --->  ,need to know how to use object as marker in other words object tracking smile


#46 24-Dec-2019 08:21:43

Registered: 19-Feb-2019
Posts: 14

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

Xeonadow wrote:

That is strange. Judging by your screenshot, I assume you copy and install the apk manually on you device. What happens if you install it by checking the box "Install on connected device" while exporting ?

On another subject, it seems we managed to correct the bug with xml reader, we uploaded a new portable version of OpenSpace3D 1.82 that include the fix, so you can download it again if you want to test that

hello, Just download perfectly no error loading xml reader found, even when I run without internet connection. Thanks


#47 24-Dec-2019 14:53:53

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

There is no object tracking in this video, we use the planar background for tracking and place the 3d model at the same position.


#48 25-Dec-2019 07:53:16

Registered: 19-Feb-2019
Posts: 14

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

Hello, Arkeon

do you mean, you make 3d texture planar as a marker? can you please give more explanation about the video. Thanks


#49 27-Dec-2019 12:12:16

Admin. / Scol language & OpenSpace3D developer
From: Nantes
Registered: 30-Mar-2009
Posts: 5,171

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

Yes the planar texture behind the 3d printed model is used as a marker and a dummy position is used to make the 3d model match with the real one


#50 27-Dec-2019 14:45:33

Registered: 19-Feb-2019
Posts: 14

Re: Videos tutorials [wish list]

arkeon wrote:

Yes the planar texture behind the 3d printed model is used as a marker and a dummy position is used to make the 3d model match with the real one


thanks bro, you are awesome....!!! the video so inspiring


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