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you can find the 1.91 Beta3 on this link : https://www.openspace3d.com/downloads/OpenSpace3d_BETA
1.91 -
- Add Items plugIT to creates items to collect
- Chrono: add Pause / Resume actions
- Object position: add "get scale" action
- OpenXR: add an option to use the initial position offset from the room guard center
- Add a microBit plugIT to communicate with a microBit card using a provided firmware
- Custom interface: add a validated text input event
- Material color: allow to set the transparency level of a material
- Add a quick menu on right click on the "open file" toolbar button to open the 10 last projects
- Allow to choose the 3D renderer in portable version (settings)
- Allow to choose the user partition path in portable version (settings)
- Meshes are loaded asynchronously in player and instantiate
- Correction on VR templates
Core / Scol:
- OpenXR: enable passthrough on Pico4
- Correction on a crash with AMD cards
- Correction on corrupted 3D models when no UV coords
- Correction on TGA reader
- Correction on skeleton import from assimp
- Correction on video reader on sound lags
- SO3Engine add SO3SceneCloneEntity and SO3BodyGetShapeDefinition
- LIPSSM shadows can now project 4 lights shadows
- All shadows methods are now overide by other scene lights
- Update Ogre3D version
Hi arkeon
I will try version 1.91 of OpenSpace3D and I will give you my opinion in return if I find some bugs.
This release looks promising. I can't wait for the release of version 2.0 of OpenSpace3D.
I found a bug. Instances no longer display the scene environment as the background color.
It seems to me that the bug is related to the export of .pkos from old version of OpenSpace3D to OpenSpace3D 1.91 Beta.
Thanks for fixing the meshes to load asynchronously. However there is a bug that causes meshes to not load asynchronously when an interface-type plugin is shown at the same time as a Custom Interface or a Button.
Thanks for the report, can you try by replacing this file : https://redmine.openspace3d.com/project … loader.pkg
I changed the os3dloader.pkg file and it gives me the following error message:
File : D:\op3d 1.91 beta\OS3D_portable_x64\Partition_LockedApp\tools\os3dlib\os3dloader.pkg
(!) Line #1910:
set projstr.??PRJ_bPluginsLoaded = 1;
link error
TC > Only a variable after set, all other object is forbidden here
The beta3 is available with the same link.
This add the items plugIT (let me know if it miss some features)
Chrono plugiT now have an Pause / Resume action
it also correct some issue on video sound lags
This should also correct all the issues you spoted
There are still bugs and issues. For example on my games when I access the OpenSpace3D save menu with config files it starts to crash. Also my 3D characters are no longer animated and are always in T Pose.
However character animations work with the Items plugin but no longer work with the Instantiate plugin.
Here are my 2 .pkos with animation and instance issues.
Bonjour Arkéon,
Merci pour le travail réalisé pour cette nouvelle version 1.91 beta 3 que je teste actuellement.
Sera-t-il possible de modifier l'URL explicative (KO) du nouveau Plug IT Item que je souhaites tester ?
D'avance merci.
Bonjour, oui je dois encore faire la documentation
l'objet de référence est le noeud de l'objet à dupliquer
le noeud de destination est un noeud qui peut contenir des noeuds enfant pour appliquer un item par noeud si la case en dessous est cochée.
Tu peux ensuite appliquer un effet sur chaque item et choisir le mode pour le ramasser. Pour le mode player distance tu donnes le noeud qui correspond au personnage ou a la caméra par exemple.
Tu peux aussi définir un nombre d'items par noeud et définir une zone en cube, plan, sphere ou cercle dans laquelle les items seront ajoutés.
Samiux can you test again by replacing this file: https://redmine.openspace3d.com/project … loader.pkg
and the instatiate plugIT : https://redmine.openspace3d.com/project … ntiate.pkg
it should be ok this time
I replaced the loader.pkg and cinstanciate.pkg files in the right folders I restarted OpenSpace3D and this time it starts without problem. I test my games and the animations of my characters are indeed back. There is no longer the save and load problem that crashes OpenSpace3D. It's perfect like that! I can't wait for version 1.91 to be launched.
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