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#1 Re: Openspace3D » Android AR_Program problem » 4-Sep-2016 12:25:24

Hello arkeon,
now all works very well on both devices.
Now I have an additional question. What is the best resolution and number of bits for marker pictures.

Thank you very much

#2 Re: Openspace3D » Android AR_Program problem » 3-Sep-2016 16:32:10

I checked the program with another device. My smartphone: processor AArch64 rev 4, OS 6.0.1, Galaxy S5 neo, but I have the same problem. The programm only runs on my PC.

#3 Re: Openspace3D » Android AR_Program problem » 3-Sep-2016 09:05:35

Hallo arkeon,
I find the file, but I don't find an attachment button in the e-mail or reply section.
I use the drageon from the example in the youtube video.

#4 Re: Openspace3D » Android AR_Program problem » 2-Sep-2016 21:48:20

the processor is an ARMv7 rev 0, Android 4.4.2, Galaxy Tab.
But I don't know how to send the apk-file to you.

#5 Openspace3D » Android AR_Program problem » 2-Sep-2016 13:44:01

Replies: 10

I am starting to use OoenSpace3d. I tried to create an android app. I follow the steps in the youtube video. If I transfer and install the app, I can start the app. But if the camera recognize the pattern, the picture freezes. What is the problem, that I can not see the dragon and what is the standard key to stop the app.

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