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#1 Re: Openspace3D » cannot detect camera with android tablet » 8-Jan-2016 15:26:13

wow. then there is still a hope.

ill try that.

#2 Re: Openspace3D » cannot detect camera with android tablet » 8-Jan-2016 15:14:34

samsung galaxy tab 4 (SM-T331)

i tried that, but now its just showing black screen on my tab.

#3 Openspace3D » cannot detect camera with android tablet » 7-Jan-2016 15:38:31

Replies: 5

i have a simple AR project called Mazda that show a car on marker. so i was exported my project as android application. i installed .apk on my samsung galaxy tab 4 (SM-T331). but the app didnt want to start. it said "unfortunately, Mazda has stopped". this never happened in my pc.

i tried to remove camera capture, so my app just show the car object, and it worked well in my tablet. so i think the problem is in camera capture.

how to solve this? so that i can use my tablet camera.

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