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#1 Openspace3D » GOOGLE PLAY update version » 1-Oct-2016 23:09:23

Replies: 17

after a long time I have a problem again sad
In OpenSPace3D "Project setting" I changed version to 1.1 and tried to upload the updated program to GOOGLE PLAY
(The original version was 1.0).

Can not update still reports¨:

  Upload Failed
The APK is necessary to use different versions of the code. Code File Version 1 already exists.

I tried to change the application to version 2.0, and still the same problem and the same message sad

........(Or do I need to create a new keystore? If I'm right key file must remain the same)

#2 Openspace3D » "Change sound" patch problem ? » 28-Aug-2016 19:54:31

Replies: 1

I am trying to optimize your program using one plugits (media-> Sounds) and events "Change sound". In the editor, the sound plays. But if I'll create a standalone Windows application does not play audio. How to properly set the path in a local device?
sound source is:
\ OpenSpace3D \ Svet_na_dotyk_Evropa \ experiment \ album \ 01.mp3
I enter a parameter:
\ Svet_na_dotyk_Evropa \ experiment \ album \ 01.mp3
Where is the problem ?
In the editor, the sound plays.
Thanks smile

#3 Re: Openspace3D » Marker Detection » 12-Aug-2016 17:26:56


It depends on the quality of the sensor (camera). Depending the type of the marker. Try to picture upload it. Apply the most black points ... well recognize.
That's my theory - I also novice who uses markers smile

#4 Re: Openspace3D » OpenSpace3D 1.10 » 25-Apr-2016 21:17:19


Each new version is a big step into the world of augmented reality. It is incredible that today there are people who are doing something for free, for technology development and support of education. I know no better program for augmented reality with such great technical support, as your project Openspace3D. I hope it will remain way you are .... Thank you !!!

#5 Re: Openspace3D » Error during keystore generation. » 13-Dec-2015 19:19:30

arkeon wrote:

no you don't need the android sdk
only the files provided from it.

your windows is 32bits and maybe the version we use in installer is a 64b version
I'm downloading a 32bits JDK /JRE and will make a new installer for android (after some tests)

Well, I look forward to the new android installer.
Please link to this discussion when he's ready.
I will be glad for the beta test version
thank you very much

#6 Re: Openspace3D » Error during keystore generation. » 13-Dec-2015 18:59:16

arkeon wrote:

ho your windows is 32bit version
try to find a 32 version of keygen tool and tell me
if it works I will replace it in the next version

I do not understand? The problem is the 32 bit keygen in this version? where can I find another version keygen?
now I try to install android sdk

#7 Re: Openspace3D » Error during keystore generation. » 13-Dec-2015 16:30:44

arkeon wrote:

weird hmm

are you on a 32 bits window ?

Yes, x64 CPU, but on 32bit windows

I try to uninstall and reinstall OpenSpace3D ... Android port is very important for me

...Reinstallation did not help, still the same error :-( chjo
...I use: jre1.8.0_66

#8 Re: Openspace3D » Error during keystore generation. » 13-Dec-2015 13:56:31


1) key.keystore saved in the same folder as "ar_piano".
save dialog

2) The password I used simple signs ...

3) I do not know, but it is normal that file keytool.exe not run separately?
Program reports: this application can not run on your computer to the correct version, contact the software publisher. It can not be a problem in the version of JAVA?

#9 Openspace3D » Error during keystore generation. » 13-Dec-2015 01:05:53

Replies: 11

Hi I have a problem. Does not generate keystore. sad
I tried to generate a model example "ar_piano" and does not generate sad
Folder "keystores" is empty.
I tried to enter a password from a text file (copy-paste) and nothing.
Please help
Thanks Lukas
ERROR printscreen

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