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#1 Openspace3D » why the one is rotating are the light not the object ? » 24-Jun-2014 04:09:11

Replies: 13

hello i'm a new user openspace3D (sorry for bad english)
i'm using 2 AR marker inst, the first one is for my object (AR marker 0), and the second one (AR marker 1) is for the marker when i touch it (lost), the object will be rotated
I tried to rotate my object using rotate inst (the object are in the marker) and for the links are :
Scene.AR marker 1.Lost -> Scene.rotate inst.Play
Scene.AR marker 1.Found -> Scene.rotate inst.Stop
I already using dummy, in the dummy there are my object, and a light, it goes like this :

the question is, why my object didnt rotate, only my light are rotated ?

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