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#1 Re: Openspace3D » Does anyone try Kinect v2 on O3D ? » 4-Nov-2017 10:47:50

eXiteRIC wrote:
arkeon wrote:

Hi !
I don't think this is the good section for this question ^^

1 - No idea about kinect V2, but I don't think so (don't have one to test)
2 - sure it works on windows 8
3 - both should work, Xtion camera is also supported

the simpler version to found for tests is the Xbox 360 kinect V1

Hi Arkeon,

I tried to use Kinect v2, it seem can't work. Although i hv install KinectCam .dll to turn it as a webcam and it shown in setting but pressed down "test" nothing in black screen.
I'm using Windows 10. With O3D version 191, and the latest kinect plugin seem can't download i tried to download several times b4.

Oh ya, here's the driver that i downloaded from another site and it can be turn Kinect v2 to Webcam for Skype use(I tried and working for skype).

Hope this useful for O3D improve.!AoIRtEzVG7f5iihO9ngF_qg6KqdV

install step just unzip and right click "install.bat" and run by admin.(hope useful for all other kinect v2 cam member ^.~)

#2 Re: Openspace3D » Does anyone try Kinect v2 on O3D ? » 4-Nov-2017 10:24:21

arkeon wrote:

Hi !
I don't think this is the good section for this question ^^

1 - No idea about kinect V2, but I don't think so (don't have one to test)
2 - sure it works on windows 8
3 - both should work, Xtion camera is also supported

the simpler version to found for tests is the Xbox 360 kinect V1

Hi Arkeon,

I tried to use Kinect v2, it seem can't work. Although i hv install KinectCam .dll to turn it as a webcam and it shown in setting but pressed down "test" nothing in black screen.
I'm using Windows 10. With O3D version 191, and the latest kinect plugin seem can't download i tried to download several times b4.

#3 Re: Suggestions » suggest function - output screen » 30-Jan-2016 02:34:15

arkeon wrote:

awesome !

you should put the video on youtube so we could share it on our website

what kind of glass did you use ? every one I tested always make a double picture with internal reflection

1) Yep maybe later after i edit them all together, then post again in my post ba.

2) It's just acrylic.
Yes, double reflection is MUST, although you paste 3M material on the surface. Check out my attach pic( &( ) for your reference, i used dark color(semi-transparence)that 2nd refection size NOT EASY to show on my video BUT it still hv reflection problem, you can checked it on that picture reflection double layers on left hand size.

My prototype cost me US$80(Normal price around US$30), but it still Acrylic not professional pyramid that we see on exhibition. professional glass filtering some material on surface that Factory me told me that so it will cost US$400 for 20inch screen.

wish the information useful.

#4 Re: Suggestions » suggest function - output screen » 29-Jan-2016 02:54:39

here's latest sketchup file. Different between last one i post is last sketchup file more viewable area and centre with the pyramid.

pw: my name

#5 Re: Suggestions » suggest function - output screen » 29-Jan-2016 02:48:27

last week setup all of them. here's final result to share with all brothers.

pyramid(but NOT 4faces)

single face

#6 Re: Suggestions » suggest function - output screen » 11-Jan-2016 05:36:17

arkeon wrote:

were you able to build it ?

Stopped a while time, not so much spare time to do that. Here's thousand tones of paper on my desk and my brain. ^^'
Really, you guys made O3D a wonderful tool, and i'm can't learn quick from my own, so wish more tutorial and samples to explains on how the FUNCTION crossover others.

Wish your teams keep it Charming ^.~

#7 Re: Suggestions » suggest function - output screen » 26-Jul-2015 18:13:47

hey brothers, leave almost half an year and turn back. Here's my sketchup file to share with all, it may not 100% in standard, but still wish it useful for everybody to do this projects. ^.~

pw: my name

#8 Re: Suggestions » suggest function - output screen » 11-Jan-2015 10:08:19

arkeon wrote:

Hi !

here the sample :
unzip in the OpenSpace3D directory and open the xos file in OpenSpace3D/demos/leapMotion/leapview_piramid_screen3.xos

this is a very basic sample test.
It use a special mesh with 4 textures then a camera is set for each texture and the main camera look at the 3D plane

the leap motion is used to move the objects

I never tried it on a pyramidal screen, so if you can make photos to show me how it's working it could be great smile

Good job arkeon. I asking some friend to lend it for test, or diy a one by glass. Wish it can share with all asap ^.~

#9 Openspace3D » Does anyone try Kinect v2 on O3D ? » 8-Jan-2015 15:24:13

Replies: 6

Hello guys,

1) O3D can recognize Kinect v2 under Windows7?
2) can O3D running on Windows8 ? (I'm using Windows7+XP)
3) "Kinect 360 sensor" and "Kinect for Windows", O3D support which one or both?

I'm ready to buy a kinect for O3D, but not sure latest version of kinect v2 can recognize by O3D. Any suggestion mates?

edit: + question 3)

#10 Re: Suggestions » suggest function - output screen » 31-Dec-2014 19:59:53

arkeon wrote:

Once the OS3D 1.7 version will be out (in one or two weeks I hope) I could gives you this sample.
it is made for pyramidal reflection screen with leap motion control

Hey arkeon, can I get your sample project file for reference? And 2nd the per user guide seem not update details for LP, I want to know more details for LP latest plugit commands can be, is there any explain tutorial inside website? Thanks.

#11 Re: Suggestions » suggest function - output screen » 28-Jun-2014 07:53:59

arkeon wrote:

Once the OS3D 1.7 version will be out (in one or two weeks I hope) I could gives you this sample.
it is made for pyramidal reflection screen with leap motion control

As my another post mention, leap motion control script if can expand detect fingers will more better, 2nd relfection with pyramidal control it seem just can control in front of the leap motion, if turn to others side the control will be change also.

#12 Re: Suggestions » suggest function - output screen » 28-Jun-2014 07:48:45

arkeon wrote:

Once the OS3D 1.7 version will be out (in one or two weeks I hope) I could gives you this sample.
it is made for pyramidal reflection screen with leap motion control

So glad to heard that, i willing to try. Now i'm trying hard to combine Video/Object Rotate/AR/Web Interface in one, because i'm not good in programming, so it still lots of technical need to solve, and your help is very important. ^.~

#13 Re: Suggestions » suggest function - output screen » 28-Jun-2014 07:37:48

arkeon wrote:

I'm very interested about the glass you use for picture reflection on your project smile

I've tested a lot of acrylic glass samples and all get a double reflection hmm

I'm not test yet, it just a planning how to display for, i guess douible reflection because the acrylic too thin and clear(100%transparent)? I saw an display in exhitbition used with GLASS and very clearly.( It DARK BROWN color and reflection very well.) it around 1cm thick.

#14 Re: Openspace3D » how to set LEAPMTION Grab/Ungrab/Tap action state after second ? » 28-Jun-2014 07:30:42

arkeon wrote:


you can use a timer plugIT triggered on grab action.
and kill the timer on the ungrab action.

Yes, it working. I guess if can detect by how many finger(s) must be more better, because it set GRAB 500ms to show the interface, and UBGRAB 2000ms close the interface but as the same time i need to grab back 4 fingers to leave single finger control the object or point to screen without interface, then the problem was show up (it seem in GRAB action and show the menu again).

#15 Re: Suggestions » suggest function - output screen » 27-Jun-2014 12:07:30

arkeon wrote:

I don't have a flickr account.

but yes viewports can't be rotated.
if you want to do something like this :

I use a plane with multiple materials and texture UV, then apply a camera for each texture.
a main static camera look the plane.

Yes Arkeon, it what i'm looking for, sorry about the link(i don't know it need login to preview the image.)

another update link:

okay, let try again tonight. Thanks again arkeon ^.~

#16 Re: Suggestions » suggest function - output screen » 27-Jun-2014 08:48:22

arkeon wrote:

In OS3D you have the Rendering > Viewport plugIT that allows to add a viewport with a different camera.
You can also use the Material > Camera texture plugIT to add a camera on a texture, like car mirror for example

Dear Arkeon, I just tried with Viewport, but it seem can't rotate or set to any shape, please check my attach img link, my draw maybe can explain more clearly.


LAST UPDATE edit note: add url image

split screen

#17 Openspace3D » how to set LEAPMTION Grab/Ungrab/Tap action state after second ? » 27-Jun-2014 08:25:17

Replies: 3

Does anyone can tell how can i set when i Grab/Ungrab/Tap for 3seconds and then SET ACTION such as popup interf ?

#18 Re: Suggestions » suggest function - output screen » 27-Jun-2014 07:58:51

arkeon wrote:

HI !

can you be more precise please ?
you can already use several viewports. or use a material texture where you render the cameras.
for request you should use the

I'm looking for final Projector can be split as like as "oculus rift" screen, but can be more setting on how many output splits screen with different output angle, such as Picture in Picture or Car's Mirror reflect and camera screen. Sorry for my poor english.

#19 Suggestions » suggest function - output screen » 18-Jun-2014 15:35:13

Replies: 24

suggest the final output screen can be SPLIT SCREEN several angles.

#20 Re: Openspace3D » PlugIT Leapmtion START / PROGESS what the different ? » 18-Jun-2014 15:30:44

Thanks for your reply Arkeon, Actually i tried your suggestion as the sample it work, but when i change the input action from "circle LEFT/RIGHT progress" > "swipe UP/DOWN progress" it can't keep going to enlarge the object and just run ONE time, is there sth i missed ? Please give some suggestion. Thanks.

#21 Openspace3D » PlugIT Leapmtion START / PROGESS what the different ? » 15-Jun-2014 08:20:46

Replies: 3

First ,does anyone can tell more the function PlugIT Leap Motion different between,  START / PROGRESS / END? Because the demo just shown how the Circle Left/Right Progess and End, i'm so confused with the START and PROGRESS, i found on the User Guide but Leap Motion Fucntion may not write in there yet.

Second, where can i use the mouse roll function to zoo in/out the ojbect ?


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