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#1 Re: Openspace3D » Researching » 2-May-2014 17:05:57

Hello Stephane,

Interesting about the '#' it was gerenating a syntax error. When I replaces it with '//' it was fine. Wierd maybe it was some setting I have?

Sad to hear about the multiple live views of the same scene.

I really need that aspect for my research.

Can anyone here point me in the right direction on how I can get this done?

#2 Re: Openspace3D » Researching » 2-May-2014 05:12:11


Ok I've manage to get some demo scol program running.

(Please note in one of your code  sample you have '#' as comment I think you wanted '//' see hello_World.scol: … ld_in_Scol )

I'm still not clear on 2 things:
1) How to hook in externally via an API. I'm thinking doing it vial network comms will do but I do not see where I can configure OpenSpace 3D to listen for network messages on a certain port.
2) How to view the realtime 3d scene from multiple cameras at the same time.

I really want to get into my research as soon as possible.
Is it possible to request the assistance of a knowledgeable person to help me setup the above two points.
Once those are in place I am certain I can figure out the rest.

#3 Re: Openspace3D » Researching » 1-May-2014 16:56:17

hebdemnobad wrote:

Fwiw you can do quite a lot using the scol APIs.

Thank you I have been reading scol doco.

I still don't understand how Openspace3D and Scol inter-operate.

Are you saying a write a program in scol to access the Openspace3D to do:
  1) Open up views of multiple cameras of the same scene?
  2) Use the scol networking ability to write create an API I can call from my own program.

I know I have a lot to learn here.
Thanks for your patience and pointing me in the correct direction.
Please if you can give me as much detail as possible regarding where I need to look.

#4 Re: Openspace3D » Researching » 1-May-2014 04:44:31

Hello Again,

I see there are plenty of samples. They are really helping, great work!

Networking Questions:
I've also seen how you can send message to on port 9090.
I see how these message are read too.

What I need to do is programmatically send messages from my own program. e.g I write a c++ program and from it send messages to the JSCOL server.
Where would I need to look to learn how do this?
This way from my own program I can control objects in the scene.

Multiple Camera Questions
I've been able to setup up multiple cameras.
How can I view all of them at the same time, it seems I can only set one camera to be on.
In which case I think there needs to be some client /  server system in place. The server is doing the realtime rendering. While the clients are merely viewing the scene. Is this possible?
How can I open the camera view programmatically in my own written C++ program?

#5 Re: Openspace3D » Researching » 30-Apr-2014 09:08:14

Thank you.
Can you point me where to look in order to setup 3 viewports (3 cameras) connect them to an object and then move the object around via API calls?

#6 Re: Openspace3D » Researching » 29-Apr-2014 17:34:51

What formats does openspace 3d support for importing?

#7 Re: Openspace3D » Researching » 29-Apr-2014 13:42:21

Thank you.

Can you point me to a high quality library I can use for constructing and indoor home scene?

#8 Re: Openspace3D » Researching » 29-Apr-2014 11:11:07


Thank you for your update.

So where do you suggest I start in order to achieve setting up Openspace 3D ASAP so that I can start researching ASAP.

#9 Openspace3D » Researching » 28-Apr-2014 13:28:50

Replies: 21

Hello Everyone,

I am new here and would appreciate any time you could spare to help me understand if OpenSpace 3D is right for me.

I'm looking to do some research and am looking for tool with certain features.  I've read through the website but have been unable to determine if OpensSpace3D is right for me.


These are the required features I am looking for:

1) Multiple Viewports to be rendered simultaneously. e.g. There could be 3 cameras placed in a room and I need to see the scene as seen from each camera in real time.

2) Ability to set view port camera view angles and positions. e.g. one camera may have a zoom lense in one corner of the room while other may be wide angled lense and in the other corner of the room.

3) Physics, ability to apply random procedurally controlled movements incorporating mass and inertia to objects.

4) Ability to procedurally control objects in the environment via an API. e.g. I can call an API from another program to first get the coordinates of a chair: x,y,z.  Then make another API call to it to coordinates: x1,y1,z1

5) Ability to set view ports on objects. e.g. set a view port camera on the handle of a door and as the door opens the realtime view can be seen as if the camera where attached to the door handle.

6) Ability to view what is seen via a camera through an API. e.g. In another program make a call to an API to be able to view realtime scene as seen through that camera. For instance api.getviewport(camera1)

7) I need an extensive library of objects and textures to accurately reproduce indoor home environments. I need this so I can easily create different indoor environments. Is there such a library available?

8) Realistic indoor lighting and shadow casting.

9) Ability to set ambient light levels so I can simulate the difference in light seen internally as time changes from dawn to midday to dusk to night.

10) Ability to easily import 3D models from other modelling and drawing packages.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer.

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