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Pages: 1
ok, thank you very much mr. iri and mr.arkeon, os3d it's simple and great for me,
yes, flash interface call many object 3d, but i don't know plugT for this,
many objects mesh and put together in a flash on .exe like a powerpoint?
oke, thank you very much mr.iri, i must export to exe, to have usm.ini and onther scol partition, but it's large data, Can any other way?
why on the html show black screen?
oke, thank's mr. iri, now i have problem when i move my project on onther sub directory from C: \ Documents and Settings \ buny \ My Documents \ Scol Voyager \Partition_LocalUsr \ to D: \ data, this script not run call my project, on the html screen show text "Scol navigator Plugin", why about this?
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="scol.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function scolMessageCallback(msg)
// manage call formated with "keyword param"
// get first word
// Warning IE doesn't return the same result as others
var reg = /^([A-Z0-9]*) ([?]*)/im;
var word = msg.match(reg);
var param ="";
if (word)
//IE !!
var keyword = word[0];
//IE force trimm !!
keyword = keyword.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
//Get param value
param = msg.slice(keyword.length);
switch (keyword)
case "OS3DPlayerLoading":
//document.getElementById("info").innerHTML = document.getElementById("info").innerHTML + param + "<br/>";
case "OS3DPlayerError":
document.getElementById("scoldiv").innerHTML = "<div style=\"background-color:#ffffff; text-align:center; color:#000000;\">" + param + "</div>";
//try to execute msg as JS code
//try to execute msg as JS code
else eval(msg);
function scolEndCallback()
//Your code here
//window.location = "http://mysite.com/end.html"
function scolErrorCallback(div, dlurl, error)
var n=document.getElementById(div);
n.innerHTML="<div style=\"background-color:#ffffff; text-align:center; color:#000000;\">The Scol Voyager plugin is not detected, please download it and install from <a href=\"" + dlurl + "\" style=\"color:#0000ff;\">" + dlurl + "</a></div>";
<body style="background-color:#$BGCOLOR;">
<div align="center" id="scoldiv">
<script type="text/javascript">
var scolObj = new SCOLObject ("scol", "%5fload+%22tools%2Fos3dplayer%2Fos3dload%2Epkg%22%0amain+%22box.xos%22+%22SAMPLEAPP%22+%22800%22+%22600%22+0", "", "", "800", "600", 2, "scolMessageCallback", "scolErrorCallback", "scolEndCallback");
<p align="center"><img src="logo_os3d.png" width="150" height="114"></p>
ok, it's great, thank's, i have one project not ftp but save project to .xos and call my project on the web local host, Can be run, without insall os3d on another computer? but by running the player in the same folder project?
What can ftp opened on another computer with a copy?
yes on local server, but I do not know what should fill in the "FTP host" parameter, "FTP port”,"FTP login,"FTP password” ,"www Ftp root path”,"Ftp destination directory”,"Http domain","Insert the application in the web page if you want the 3D application to be embedded in the browser page.
and what should I do first?
sorry i do not understand about this, very thanks
how to export my project to ftp, not online but with xmapp aplication,
Pages: 1