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#1 Re: Server 4 and Hosting » SCOL under UBUNTU KIWI LINUX » 11-May-2010 16:05:59

Ehe he heeeee ...
I'm ROOT !
nickname: scolkiwi
password: a1b2c3d4e5
01) Application -> Accessories -> Terminal
02) Terminal:
03) write:
sudo bash
04) Terminal:
scolkiwi@scolkiwi-desktop:~$ sudo bash
06) Terminal:
scolkiw@scolkiwI-desktop:~$ sudo bash
07) write:
09) Terminal:
scolkiwI@scolkiwI-desktop:~$ sudo bash
[sudo] password for scolkiwI:
================================================= :

sudo command

sudo is a program for Linux / BSD / Unix-like computer operating systems that allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user normally the superuser (root). By default, sudo will prompt for a user password but it may be configured to require the root password or no password at all. Apple Mac OS X and Ubuntu Linux and many other oses used sudo command for many administrative tasks. For example, to login as root under Ubuntu Linux, type:
$ sudo bash

A litlle obiection: The command is "sudo bash", not "$ sudo bash" !

Well, from now I'm a Super User, ready to DO ....

#3 Re: Server 4 and Hosting » SCOL under UBUNTU KIWI LINUX » 20-Mar-2010 10:12:16

iri wrote:


It is not necassery to create a root user. Under Ubuntu, your user login may have the root privileges. Temporarily.

If you need to do something with the root privilege (= administrative rights), open a terminal and write :

sudo your_command

With sudo, you become a superuser.

For example :

sudo apt-get update

So, enter the same password as your user login (if your login is not a simple guest, of course !)

Otherwise, check the rights to your login (you should have some adminstratives rights). If you need more rights, ask to the server administrator.

Boss, my last message was written from Linux.
If You not put here, all steps for installing SCOL server, is hard for us. We mast for the first to learn this system operating, and then we will can do install the server.

What mean 'SUDO' ?
He mean 'S-uper U-ser Do'. And the comands are : 'S-uper U-user Do COMMAND'

I need a time to understand Linux, and Linux's kind of files ...

Again, we need a tutorial, a complete tutorial, for using Linux for SCOL installation.

#4 Re: Server 4 and Hosting » SCOL under UBUNTU KIWI LINUX » 18-Mar-2010 13:03:24

[img align=L][/img] … -password/

Ubuntu Linux root Password (Default Password)

I have just installed Ubuntu Linux. But, what is the default root password? I can only login as a normal user. How do I login as root user?
How do I login as root user?

Open terminal and simply type the following command:
$ sudo bash
$ sudo -s

#6 Server 4 and Hosting » Pourquoi le SCOL serveur ? » 11-Jan-2010 11:04:54

Replies: 0

Parce que, t346-Categorical-Abstract-Machine-Language.htm:

Dialect CAML (original: Categorical Abstract Machine Language) est une version française de ML et soutient entre autres l'objet de programmation orientée (OCAML variante) et la programmation itérative.

SCOL serveur est basée sur CAML. Parlez-en dans notre forum ici: f151-Categorical-Abstract-Machine-Language.htm

Mon logo, 'Categorical Machine' vient de 'Categorical Abstract Machine Language'.smile-1624.gif
Categorical Machine

Well, for this, the SCOL server is more interesting than other VR Servers ...

#7 Re: Server 4 and Hosting » SCOL under UBUNTU KIWI LINUX » 5-Jan-2010 10:46:12

Last month I tried to go into computer with Linux. But I could not start Linux, because I forgot password ...
It is quite possible this year to put online this computer ...
SCOL is and still to be a good VR Server.

#8 Re: Pub - Café » 2010 » 5-Jan-2010 10:33:29

Une très bonne année 2010 !

#9 Re: Server 4 and Hosting » SCOL under UBUNTU KIWI LINUX » 6-Aug-2009 02:12:59

BonJour monsieur Iri,
ThankYou for help.
I have trouble with Kiwi, with LAMP installation ... You know, are necesary a lotof rights sad
Immediately after I will resolve the issue, I will return to SCOL.


#10 Re: Server 4 and Hosting » SCOL under UBUNTU KIWI LINUX » 31-Jul-2009 15:53:07

arkeon wrote:

tell me when you have finish this smile

Mister Arkeon,
ThankYou, that archive is now on my pc.
Only "Scol" is a realy enteresting VR server for Linux.
I'm new on Linux, and I need time to learn to work with SUDO things
Here is my latest attempt of instaling 'Scol' from Your archive:

scol@ubuntu:~/init.d$ ./
ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/bin/scol': Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file `/etc/init.d/scol': Permission denied
chown: cannot access `/etc/init.d/scol': No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access `/etc/init.d/scol': No such file or directory
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/scol: file does not exist

I will be back with news.

#11 Server 4 and Hosting » SCOL under UBUNTU KIWI LINUX » 27-Jul-2009 19:43:20

Replies: 16

I know from Arkeon that SCOL can run under LINUX
OK mister IRI, now I have UBUNTU and I want to install SCOL server on my computer.
In 'Readme' we have:

SCOL for Linux


  Launch installation script :

  This script will query :
    - SCOL destination directory
    - SCOL group and user name ; if they don't exist,
the script propose to create them (you must be root).
    - the IP address to access SCOL sites
    SCOL can be used with any Unix user but you should not use 'root'.
Use instead a specific group and user 'scol'.

  Then, the script extracts files into destination directory.

  Then you have to define a SCOL server administrator by giving a login,
a password and optionnally a first name and a last name.

  At last, the script proposes to insert SCOL in file /etc/inittab so
it will be automatically launched at machine's startup.

But not work !
See this:

a@ubuntu:~/Documents/scol_install$ ./
-e         =========================
-e         =========================
-e Enter SCOL destination directory (a 'scol' subdirectory will be added to this path) :
-e Enter SCOL destination directory (a 'scol' subdirectory will be added to this path) : MyScol
-e The destination directory does not exist.
-e Do you want to create it ? [y/n] y
-e Enter SCOL group name : a
-e Enter SCOL user name : a
-e Enter the external address of the server either with a DNS name or an IP address [not mandatory] :
-e Extracting files ...
-e Updating ini files ...
cd: 245: can't cd to MyScol/scol
cd: 267: can't cd to MyScol/scol/data/.odbctxt
./ 267: cannot open admin: No such file
mv: cannot stat `': No such file or directory
cd: 271: can't cd to MyScol/scol/data/.odbctxt
-e Enter SCOL administration login : a
-e Enter SCOL administration password : lilu
-e Enter administrator's first name [not mandatory] : a
-e Enter administrator's last name [not mandatory] : a   
-e Updating ACL table ...
-e Creating SCOL start script ...
cd: 289: can't cd to MyScol/scol
-e Changing owner ...
chown: cannot access `MyScol/scol': No such file or directory
-e Installation cancelled

Mister Arkeon and mister Iri, can You help me to install Scol package please ?

My server will be online soon, and I want to run Scol on him.

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