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#1 Re: Openspace3D » using flash as texture » 31-Jul-2012 18:56:08

Is "importing the material" choosing the desired material (scene.material) when "Add resources to scene"?

I'm using one of the blender2ogre exporters in Blender 2.5x or 2.6x. I don't know which is its version and which version is the newest or the best. I'll try this one … later.

In Blender I'm simply adding material and texture to a simple object and sincerelly don't know how is possible that the material is badly configured and how to change the texture in another mode. When the object is rendered in Blender everything looks ok.

#2 Re: Openspace3D » using flash as texture » 31-Jul-2012 10:26:40

Hi all!
I'm using OS3D 1.1 and I'm having great problems with the use of flash/web interface as texture. I don't know where's the problem.
As iri said, I prepared in Blender a simple plane with material and texture (png) and exported it in Ogre. An exam of the exported object in OgreMeshy reveals, that the texture is present, but is strangely distributed on the surface.
When I replace the texture by applying the flash interface, the texture changes, but the flash interface is not visible.
Here you can find all the files that I used in my simple test:
Can please somebody tell me, where is the problem? Am I doing something wrong when creating the object or is something else?
Thank you in advance for all your effort and have a nice day!

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