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#1 Openspace3D » Reverse Animation » 28-Jun-2012 01:43:02

Replies: 1

I'm trying to play an animation reversed, as in opening a door then closing. My model only has the animation in one direction, so I can't use the anim transition used in the carshowroom demo.

Method 1:
- Created two "animation" nodes, referencing the same animation.
- One with speed 1 and start position at 0.
- The other has speed -1 and start position at 3.333330 (total lenght of the animation);

Individually, they both work perfectly, but if I put the two nodes, only the second (in my case, the reversed) works, the normal animation is simply ignored and never played.

Method 2:
The "workaround" I found so far is to set the speed and start position through vars. Here are my steps:

- If "AnimPlaying" (global var) is false, input an sequence called "normal/reverse play".
- Out1 sets the value of the "Speed" var to 1, Out2 sets it to -1.
- Out1 sets the value of the "StartPos" var to 0, Out2 sets it to 3.333330.
- "Speed" var outputs the "Value" to "Set Speed" input of the animation node.
- "StartPos" var outputs the "Value" to "Set Position" input of the animation node.
- Both vars output their "Modified" to "Play" input of the animation node.

The problem is that I couldn't find out yet, how to make it set the Speed and Position in the anim node, BEFORE it starts playing it.

#2 Re: Openspace3D » if in openspace » 27-Jun-2012 23:42:23

How do you pass a global var as the parameter for the if inst? I want to click an object and send a global var previously set as the parameter to check.

I tried the search for this "if" question, but the results are basically everything posted.

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