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#1 Re: Openspace3D » Can't import an FBX character with animations at all » 10-May-2023 01:18:34

Roberto wrote:
arkeon wrote:

Well I could not achieve to import mixamo animation from fbx correctly by now because of this issue :

I'll wait a bit to get this done until I try again for next releases.

I'm not using assimp. We just mix character with animations, import it in blender following the video link (NLA) in the post above and everything works perfectly on os3d

I still can't get the materials working going through all step by steps here. Does the materials come added to the characters when you import the scene? 
Or how would i assign the materials?

Any help would be amazing.

#2 Re: Openspace3D » Can't import an FBX character with animations at all » 25-Apr-2023 22:11:34


WOW This is great. Hopefully ill get some time to try this out asap.

Thank you all!!! My Students will be very grateful for this.

#3 Re: Openspace3D » Can't import an FBX character with animations at all » 25-Apr-2023 21:56:15


Can you send me the PDf, i would really appreciate it loads.

Many thanks to you.

#4 Re: Openspace3D » Can't import an FBX character with animations at all » 21-Apr-2023 15:46:31

arkeon wrote:

Hello, I just compiled the OgreXmlConverter with my current Ogre version
You can find it here: … lConverter
Also I uploaded the 1.91 - Beta4 version of OS3D you can find it in the Beta channel on the forum.

My Students are going to have it easy next year then. Thank you so much for everything. Really appreciate it all.

#5 Re: Openspace3D » Can't import an FBX character with animations at all » 21-Apr-2023 15:45:19

arkeon wrote:

I made some test with mixamo, and corrected some issue in the next beta coming.
The main issue that still here is the model are not available with animations and meshes in the same file, all animations are in different files.

I'll try to manage this case when I'll have time. maybe ask the user to select animation files when a skeleton is detected in a model. Also I  don't know yet is the assimp project allow to convert a skeleton animation without a model in the file.

Andy was made using 3DSmax and Easy Ogre exporter. I'm not familiar with blender so maybe someone else in the community could help for this.

WOW!!! I didn't know that you code it! That's impressive! And amazing
Thank you so much for this.
Absolutely brilliant

#6 Re: Openspace3D » Can't import an FBX character with animations at all » 20-Apr-2023 23:16:05


I know you can do it through Blender too, but i found it difficult getting the OGRE exporter working. It just didn't work for me from Blender.

It's a massive pity there are no other tutorials or help with this. OpenSpace3D is a brilliant program, but lacks these tutorials and help for anyone interested in it. Any tutorials on Youtube are really old too.

If you do find a work around please post it here, I'd appreciate that loads.

#8 Re: Openspace3D » Can't import an FBX character with animations at all » 20-Apr-2023 23:00:47


Hi Reberto,

I posted a solution that i found to work.
Here is my workflow if anyone else needs a helping hand.

This is for using Mixamo characters and the animations to OpenSpace3D - You can also rig your own Character in Mixamo and use the animations too.  My Students love it. Was almost going to give up on OpenSpace3D

01. Export a t-pose from mixamo (No naimations)
02. export animations from mixamo - With Skins (New Blank Project)
03. import t-pose to 3ds max - (New Blank Project)
04. export t-pose to fbx with embed media checked - To bake the textures
05. import animation from mixamo ( one at a time and in Animations Tab - Save Animation (New Blank Project)  )
06. save animation to new folder - do for all animations
07. import new baked fbx t-pose of the Character (New Blank Project)
08. Using motion mixer in 3Ds Max - add the exported animation files into the timeline
09. click the stopwatch in motion mixer to extend the timeline to fit all the animations
10. export as ogre
11. save to openspce3d folder
12. import as scene

I hope this helps others. Its great as you can use the Animation Switcher with multiple trigger images.
The only problem now is that Mixamo seems to  have some jumpy keyframes and the Character isn't really rooted. If that was fixed then this would be a perfect workflow for students using free software, as they get 3Ds Max free for as long as they are students.

#9 Re: Openspace3D » 3ds max 2020 to OpenSpace3D using EasyOgre exporter » 30-Mar-2023 12:28:11


I got it all sorted.
I used the Easy Ogre exporter from 3Ds Max.

Here is my workflow if anyone else needs a helping hand.

This is for using Mixamo characters and the animations to OpenSpace3D - You can also rig your own Character in Mixamo and use the animations too.  My Students love it. Was almost going to give up on OpenSpace3D

01. Export a t-pose from mixamo (No naimations)
02. export animations from mixamo - With Skins (New Blank Project)
03. import t-pose to 3ds max - (New Blank Project)
04. export t-pose to fbx with embed media checked - To bake the textures
05. import animation from mixamo ( one at a time and in Animations Tab - Save Animation (New Blank Project)  )
06. save animation to new folder - do for all animations
07. import new baked fbx t-pose of the Character (New Blank Project)
08. Using motion mixer in 3Ds Max - add the exported animation files into the timeline
09. click the stopwatch in motion mixer to extend the timeline to fit all the animations
10. export as ogre 
11. save to openspce3d folder
12. import as scene

I hope this helps others. Its great as you can use the Animation Switcher with multiple trigger images.
The only problem now is that Mixamo seems to  have some jumpy keyframes and the Character isn't really rooted. If that was fixed then this would be a perfect workflow for students using free software, as they get 3Ds Max free for as long as they are students.

#10 Openspace3D » 3ds max 2020 to OpenSpace3D using EasyOgre exporter » 23-Mar-2023 17:51:42

Replies: 3

So i used Mixamo. got a character and added animations all work great using the Easy Ogre exported from 3Ds max 2020.
But the material is all wrong and i've no idea how to fix the material.

Can anyone help me sort the material? what steps do i need to take in 3ds max to make sure the material comes through to openspace3d properly?

The animations are working but i still have a problem with a large bounding box from the character?

- Although it has a large white box around the character too
click here to see that!

#11 Re: Openspace3D » Can't import an FBX character with animations at all » 22-Mar-2023 04:12:01


When exporting from Mixamo as a .dae the character comes into OpenSpace with material but no animation but also looks like this link

#12 Re: Openspace3D » Can't import an FBX character with animations at all » 22-Mar-2023 00:55:20


Hi, and thanks for your reply.

I've emailed you a few times, not sure if they are getting through, but i can't see your email address and there is no option to attach a file.

We are just looking to create something similar to the Andy model with his accompanying aminations. My students were using Mixamo for this. Again any fbx we export from mixamo or even from blender just isn't working.

If there is a workflow for this we would greatly appreciate any help.

#13 Openspace3D » Can't import an FBX character with animations at all » 13-Mar-2023 16:44:04

Replies: 58

I'm using Mixamo and adding animations to a character. Importing that character as an FBX into Blender 3.1.2.
I have tried to import into OpenSpace3D Fbx, Dae any format that holds animations but every time, no matter what, the model comes into OpenSpace3D with not visible even when materials are applied.
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong or what other steps i need to take in Blender to export the character and its animations.

I tried the Ogre exporter but it just throws up errors.

If anyone has a workflow that they would share I'd greatly appreciate it and my students too.

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