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#1 Openspace3D » Oculus Rift S - How to set up the proper configuration (OpenXR) » 15-Feb-2021 19:50:28

Replies: 1


OpenSpace3D is probably the only software that allows you to build interactive applications for Google VR without any programming knowledge. And that's really cool!

Unfortunately, I am unable to run the OpenSpace3D demo applications (vrshootinggallery and others) with the Oculus Rift S.

So, the application starts, google VR and manipulators control the movement in the game, but the image is displayed only on the computer screen, not in the VR google. Any ideas why this is happening?

Tried this  - … all-OpenXR-
and this - … cale=en_US

Thanks in advance for any ideas, how to solve this.

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