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#1 Openspace3D » multiples object click in single object » 13-May-2020 16:02:58

Replies: 1


I´ve been using object click plugit for my openspace3D projects to interact with different objects in my workspace. So far so good. smile

Now i ran into a problem, i want to interact with different parts of a single object to do different things, is there a way to solve this?

I tried using a dummy and putting it where i need it to click, but seems like you cant set a dummy as an object.

Any ideas?

Thank you

#2 Re: Openspace3D » Open files in different location » 8-May-2020 14:11:04

Thank you lorcan71 and arkeon.

Found a solution on my end to make theopen url plugIT work using a functional url.

#3 Openspace3D » Open files in different location » 6-May-2020 19:54:15

Replies: 3

Hello all,

I'm aware that for Openspace3D programs to open files, these must be located in the \OpenSpace3D folder. But in this case I need to get files from other folders, is there a workaround for this?

I tried using the open Url plugIT but doesn't seem to work for local files. Any other ideas?

thank you!

#4 Re: Openspace3D » Is there a Label to PDF plugIT available? » 25-Mar-2020 16:46:09

The information was very helpful, thank you!

#5 Openspace3D » Is there a Label to PDF plugIT available? » 25-Mar-2020 16:05:57

Replies: 3

Hello, im a new user of Openspace3D, so far im liking it very much.

I was wondering if there is a way to make a label to an object link to a PDF file. I've been using the Label plugIT but as far as i know i can only make it a text label.

The project im working on is making a VR program where u can click objects with the VR controller which then opens a link to the PDF file associated with the object.

Appreciate any help!

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