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#1 Openspace3D » A few questions (GUI + ArtifexTerra3D + Networking) » 1-Jun-2011 19:33:00

Replies: 2

[ Each block of text is a separate question, feel free to answer separately and all-together while also responding with further questions ]

Is there a way to create a GUI with this program, if so, what are just some basics to go about doing that. For example do I make a bunch of PNG's to place and then give animation actions? How do I make them remain in a position on the screen and not act as an element within the rendered world?

Oh, flash interface! I thought that was flash interface as in blinking xD.
Edit: Wow, looks like I have some learning to do because I don't understand how to do it xD.

ArtifexTerra is a world creation tool. This tool saves as files such as texture png's .cfg's such as zonesettings.cfg and terrain.cfg. How do I go about turning this files into a Ogre Dotscene for importing?
Note: The DL link on the site is usually broken. If you want to download it I can provide an alternate link.

Is there a way to create chatting, such as between players? If so, I don't see how I'd make the chatted text appear for a user to read. Is this even possible?

Also, is there Paged Geometry? I read about this and it sounds exactly like something I'd need.

#2 Re: Openspace3D » Missing OpenSpace3d Tutorial Files » 1-Jun-2011 19:24:30

Nodrev wrote:

They are in "C:\Program Files\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\demos\tutorial" or "C:\Program Files(x86)\Scol Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\demos\tutorial" if you using  windows 64bit.

Ohh, thanks. They're there!

#3 Openspace3D » Missing OpenSpace3d Tutorial Files » 31-May-2011 20:30:46

Replies: 3

I downloaded OpenSpace3d around 2 days ago and I have nothing in-regards to the tutorial files. I have version 0.2.5a Released on Thu May 05 08:42:08 2011 (says the about)

What can I do to obtain the files?

#4 Re: Openspace3D » OpenSpace3D 0.2.5 » 30-May-2011 21:50:36

So glad I found this engine. I don't know how the other versions are but so far 0.2.5 is impressing me.

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