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Pages: 1
ah okay, i'll give messing around tomorrow. thank you very much for your patience.
hi arkeon, i've found the plugit, have been messing around with it, and it's fantastic. i'm going to build my ar app from that.
problem is, physic car have accelerate, turn, and such, how to move backward? i've tried accelerate with -1 to no happy ending.
ow, i don't know if there's such plugin, i just use object control for the car. is there any tutorial or further explanation about it? which plugit other then physic car i need to use?
thank you for your last enlightment about moving object, i'm able to move them by clicking on plane or by button.
however, i have another difficulties.
i'm making a car ar, where we can drive the car object by onscreen buttons, i can move the object to position from the virtual joystick, but on letting go of the accelerate button, the object just stop, no decelerate movement.
how to achieve accelerate decelerate movement? which plugit should i use?
so in my project, i have this bee object, i want this bee object to be able to move to where i tap the screen.
this morning i success when moving the bee object with my mouse click (from pc test).
then i export my project to android, changing the mouse click plugit into multitouch inst -> object move to inst and use the parameter on the links (User
$1 $2 0
$4 $5 $6
the bee is in the middle of the screen on my android phone, when i tap on the bottom screen, the bee moved, only not to my tap position.
and one more thing. i've imported model from 3ds max, and choose to use the environment setting from imported scene, now it's all black, how to change it? i've checked the set environment to no result
i just tried using the touch input, what works in mouse click doesn't work on touch input. is there any difference of the plugit beetween mouseclick and tap on touch?
thank you for your answer, it really help me. the thread you're mentioned about doesnt really giving me the solution i need, but it encourage me enough to try some similar technique. using the control plugit doesnt move my object, but using the moveto plugit and fill the parameter with $1 $2 0 $4 $5 $6 does the magic.
but the problem is, my object is moving without rotating it's orientation to the clicked spot. so how do i change the rotation? should i add rotate plugit?
hi. i'm trying to move my object based on user input from touch or from mouse click, i've tried all object plugit, including getting the mouse click position but can't transfer those value (the position) to objec move to or such.
please enlighten me for a happy ending.
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